By Alleyhandra Celio anak Anis, Media Volunteer Sarawak Mission
Wednesday, 12 March 2025

The Camporee was not only a time for fun and adventure but also an opportunity for young people to engage in meaningful worship and reflect on the theme of “Rebuild the Altar,” emphasizing the importance of dedicating their lives to God.
The Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Adventist Youth Ministries hosted the highly anticipated 2025 SSD Wide Pathfinder Camporee at Mountain View College (MVC) in Bukidnon, Philippines. The event, centered around the theme “Rebuild the Altar” from 1 Kings 18:30, brought together Pathfinders from across the region for an unforgettable experience of spiritual growth, fellowship, and adventure. The Camporee served as a significant occasion for young people to strengthen their faith, deepen their commitment to God, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Pathfinders from diverse backgrounds. The event offered various activities designed to nurture physical, mental, and spiritual development while encouraging participants to draw closer to God.

A delegation of 36 Pathfinders from the Sarawak Mission, led by Pastor Chan Tin Loi, the Youth and Pathfinder Director for the Sarawak Mission, was among the many groups that attended. Under his guidance, the Sarawak delegation participated in various spiritual sessions, team-building activities, and outdoor challenges. The Camporee was not only a time for fun and adventure but also an opportunity for young people to engage in meaningful worship and reflect on the theme of “Rebuild the Altar,” emphasizing the importance of dedicating their lives to God. The event proved to be a memorable and transformative experience for all those who attended, with participants leaving with a renewed commitment to their faith and a sense of unity with other Pathfinders across the Southern Asia-Pacific Division.

The theme “Rebuild the Altar” was inspired by the story of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 18:30, where Elijah, facing the challenge of a divided Israel, rebuilt the altar of the Lord on Mount Carmel. This act symbolized a return to true worship and a call for the people to turn back to God. The Pathfinders attending the camporee were encouraged to reflect on their personal spiritual journeys, just as Elijah called for the rebuilding of the altar to restore faith and worship to the one true God. The theme reminded them to strengthen their relationship with God, to renew their commitment, and to restore the altar of their hearts.

The camporee featured various Honor Classes designed to equip the Pathfinders with spiritual and practical skills. These classes included Voice of Youth, Preach It, Prayer, God’s Messenger, Family Life, Stewardship, OT Hebrew, and Creationism. These sessions helped foster an environment of learning and spiritual growth for all participants. Throughout the event, there was a call for volunteers to assist with the classes, which allowed more individuals to contribute to the spiritual education of the young attendees.

A significant moment during the camporee was the investiture of three dedicated individuals from the Sarawak Mission: MG Dave Keith Mina, MG Alexson, and MG Alleyhandra. Their investiture marked a milestone in their spiritual growth and commitment to the Pathfinder program, symbolizing their readiness to take on greater responsibilities within the church and community.

Beyond the Honor Classes, the SSD Wide Pathfinder Camporee provided an opportunity for young people to come together in fellowship, deepen their faith, and renew their commitment to serving God. Through worship, Bible study, and social activities, the Pathfinders formed lasting connections and were encouraged to continue living out their faith long after the camporee had ended.
The Pathfinders also had the chance to experience God’s presence in a powerful way as they gathered in the beautiful setting of MVC in Bukidnon. Whether participating in honor classes, group activities, or spiritual services, they were all given the opportunity to rebuild the altar of their hearts.

The 2025 SSD Wide Pathfinder Camporee proved to be an unforgettable event for all involved. With its compelling theme “Rebuild the Altar,” the camporee inspired Pathfinders to renew their commitment to God and to each other. It provided numerous opportunities for spiritual growth, moments of joy, and the chance to serve. As the Pathfinders from Sarawak Mission and other regions came together in Bukidnon, Philippines, they left with renewed spirits, ready to continue their journey of faith and service to God.
Youth Ministry Department